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Have you ever thought about how robotic surgery could benefit you? This procedure may seem far out — even futuristic — but it’s real, effective, and provides patients many advantages they can’t get with regular, open surgery. Boca Care Surgical Associates offers robotic surgery for a number of ailments. Our...
Many people find having a hernia difficult and uncomfortable, which is often why surgery is a great option. It can help them eliminate the problem and start feeling better again. But you may be wondering whether a hiatal hernia always requires surgery. The answer is complicated. At Boca Care Surgical...
Rectal prolapse surgery is the best way to safely manage the symptoms of rectal prolapse, which can affect your day-to-day life. But if you’ve planned your surgery for this month — or you’re just now coming out of the procedure — you may be thinking about the difficulty of navigating...
Colon cancer made up 7.6% of all new cancer cases and 8.7% of cancer deaths in 2024. Unfortunately, many people don’t know the risks, likelihood, or symptoms associated with this illness until they already have it. This can make it harder to get well. Knowing more about colon cancer —...
Diverticulosis is an extremely common condition that occurs as we age; in fact, 70% of people 80 and older have diverticulosis. Diverticulitis — which occurs as an exacerbation of diverticulosis — is less common. Still, either to avoid diverticulitis or to have it treated properly, you may need to see...
Fecal incontinence is embarrassing and causes many people to avoid going to the doctor because they don’t want to discuss the problem. But actually, it’s fairly common, affecting a median of 7% of the population. The prevalence of this issue rises with age and tends to affect more women than...
Colon cancer is a serious disorder that saw over 140,000 new cases in 2021. While the condition causes considerable symptoms — unlike some other types of cancer — it’s still important to get checked for it, especially if you are over the age of 45. But if you already know...
The gallbladder is an organ in which the body stores bile. You can live without your gallbladder, and some people have to because of complications associated with gallstones or another gallbladder problem. But you may have heard gallbladder surgery isn’t always necessary. So, when do you really need it? At...
Diverticulitis is a condition you may hear about a lot, especially as you age. It’s important to not only understand what this condition is but why it happens and how it can affect your life. This is because some people who live with a less severe version — diverticulosis —...
Colorectal cancer is a serious condition where cancerous cells form in the tissues of the rectum and/or the colon. Most people start getting screened for this condition after the age of 45, although some people with a higher risk need to be screened earlier. Whatever the case, it’s important to...
Fecal incontinence can be a difficult condition to deal with. For one, it’s embarrassing, which causes many people to avoid discussing it with their doctor or loved ones. For another, it’s often treated as a problem that will or might go away with time. But this isn’t always the case. ...
A hernia is a condition that many people live with for a long time before getting surgery. While a hernia won’t just get better on its own, it doesn’t usually require emergency treatment. However, in some cases, it can become a serious problem. Here at Boca Care Surgical Associates, we...
Colon cancer is a legitimate concern for many Americans. There are a lot of risk factors associated with this condition, and one of these is a genetic predisposition. If someone in your family has suffered from colon cancer, you do have a higher risk of developing the condition. Boca Care...
Proton pump inhibitors (also known as PPIs) are medications that lower the production of stomach acid in the body. As such, they can be a great remedy for issues like GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or for treating a stomach ulcer. However, PPIs aren’t always the best option for your overall...
So, it’s the holiday season, and you’re staring at a full month of parties, sweets, rich food, and other delights. But now is no time to ignore your health. The question: Can you enjoy the holidays and keep your body in tip-top shape? The answer: Yes. Colon cancer, diverticulitis, and...
A hiatal hernia can be an uncomfortable and sometimes even dire medical condition. Over time, a hernia can cause a number of issues like internal bleeding, scarring, and narrowing of the esophagus, which can lead to major medical problems down the line. Not everyone may require surgery for a hernia...
As you age, your risk of developing colon cancer increases. But other risk factors — such as having IBS, a family history of colon cancer, or not getting regular physical activity — can all create more concern as well. One of the best ways to help keep your colon healthy is to maintain a...
Many people don’t think about the possibility of being diagnosed with rectal cancer, but the reality is serious. In 2023, rectal cancer made up 7.8% of all new cancer diagnoses. And unfortunately, the condition is difficult to recognize in its early stages. Boca Care Surgical Associates promises to do everything...
Hernias are extremely common injuries that happen to many people. And while you may decide to wait to have yours repaired, eventually, you will need to seek treatment for this condition. Dealing with a hernia — and recovering from hernia surgery — are both possible parts of your journey, and we’re happy...
Diverticulosis is a condition that affects over half of adults aged 60 and up. It occurs when sacs called diverticula form in your intestinal walls. If these sacs become infected, this condition is known as diverticulitis. Diverticulitis doesn’t always cause complications, especially if you are on top of the situation and...
Hernias can be uncomfortable, painful conditions that, for some, require treatment as soon as possible in order to create relief. In other cases, you may be able to wait to repair a hernia. But do hernias always need to be repaired? At Boca Care Surgical Associates, Avraham Belizon, MD, FACS, FASCRS has ample experience...
Diverticulitis is an uncomfortable condition that occurs when pouches in your colon lining become irritated and inflamed. While it is common to develop the pouches themselves, it is possible to avoid the inflammation. But how can you spot the warning signs of diverticulitis, and how can you avoid it? Boca Care...
Fecal incontinence is an uncomfortable — not to mention embarrassing — problem that can range from mild leakage to an inability to control your bowels. When you are dealing with this issue, it can feel like nothing makes it better. But there are a number of treatment options we can use...
The American Cancer Society reports that colon and rectal cancer may strike as many as 1 in 25 people in the United States. In most cases, the cause of colon cancer isn’t known. There are, however, many known factors that contribute to raising the risk of colon cancer. Some of...