When Is Gallbladder Surgery Necessary?

When Is Gallbladder Surgery Necessary?

The gallbladder is an organ in which the body stores bile. You can live without your gallbladder, and some people have to because of complications associated with gallstones or another gallbladder problem.

But you may have heard gallbladder surgery isn’t always necessary. So, when do you really need it?

At Boca Care Surgical Associates, we offer consultations for patients who are dealing with gallbladder problems, as well as laparoscopic surgery that removes the gallbladder in the most minimally invasive way possible. Avraham Belizon, MD, FACS, FASCRS, is well-versed in gallbladder problems as well as the most up-to-date surgical techniques for cholecystectomy. 

Gallbladder issues — and what they mean

The gallbladder can sometimes give the body issues that make keeping it more trouble than it's worth. However, there are other times when gallbladder problems can be managed without surgery. But first, you’ll need to have the condition itself diagnosed.

One of the most common problems you can encounter with your gallbladder is gallstones. These start out as digestive fluids that get hard over time, giving them their name. They can sometimes block the bile duct, which moves the bile out of the gallbladder. When the gallstones do this, they can create complications.

Other reasons you might need to have your gallbladder removed is if you have polyps in the gallbladder that could be cancerous, inflammation in the gallbladder, or a concern of gallbladder cancer.

Risk factors for gallbladder problems

There are certain factors that can make you more likely to develop gallstones. Being overweight is one, but losing weight too quickly can also cause problems. Being female, 40 or older, living a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, and/or a history of diabetes, liver disease, and eating food that is low in fiber and high in fat and cholesterol are also risk factors. 

When you don’t — and do — need gallbladder surgery

If there is a concern of cancer, it’s often best to have your gallbladder removed. This is because your body doesn’t need the organ, and the laparoscopic surgery ensures you’ll be able to recover quickly. However, with the more common gallstone problem, not everyone gets surgery right away.

Some people only experience symptoms — such as abdominal pain, nausea, and indigestion — for a little while. The gallstones themselves don’t go away, but perhaps the difficulties will. However, if you’re noticing you’re having multiple attacks of nausea and pain, that you’re having trouble sleeping, or that it’s worsening, it may be time for surgery. 

There is also a case where emergency surgery is needed. This may be if the gallbladder, liver, or pancreas becomes inflamed or infected. The symptoms are similar but worse, also associated with fever, changes in the color of your stool, and vomiting. If you notice these symptoms — as well as sharp pains in your side — you should get treatment immediately.

Is it time to have my gallbladder removed?

Gallbladder issues can sometimes be managed with medications or other options. But if you’re experiencing recurring gallbladder problems, it’s time to think of surgery as a necessary treatment. We’re happy to help you determine if you’ve reached this point as well as to discuss how to proceed.

Call 561-395-2626 to make an appointment at our Boca Raton, Florida, office, or visit us online today. We’re here to help.

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