Struggling with Fecal Incontinence? We Can Help

Struggling with Fecal Incontinence? We Can Help

Fecal incontinence is an uncomfortable — not to mention embarrassing — problem that can range from mild leakage to an inability to control your bowels. When you are dealing with this issue, it can feel like nothing makes it better. But there are a number of treatment options we can use to help you manage the issue. 

At Boca Care Surgical Associates, we offer minimally invasive, mild surgical solutions to fecal incontinence. We can also suggest lifestyle changes you can make to manage your condition more easily. Avraham Belizon, MD, FACS, FASCRS, our provider, will help you determine the best treatment plan for your needs.

Fecal incontinence 101 

Dealing with fecal incontinence can feel embarrassing. Unfortunately, this is why the condition is largely under-reported, affecting somewhere between 2% and 21% of the population. If you are struggling with bowel control, it’s better to seek help than to suffer in silence. 

This condition (also called encopresis) can be caused by a number of other issues. Constipation and diarrhea could both play a role in the development of fecal incontinence. You might also experience issues with this problem because of nerve damage or aging. 

Whatever the cause, fecal incontinence usually doesn’t disappear with time. In fact, seeking medical help is often the best way to find easy, effective solutions to the problem. 

How we can help

We know how hard it can be to deal with fecal incontinence, and we’re always happy to help our patients feel like themselves again. When you visit our office, we’ll get to the root of the problem and determine how to help. 

Diagnosing the problem

Dr. Belizon will use your symptoms, your medical history, and a short examination to determine the likely cause of your bowel control issues. Two of the tests we might use in office include the anal manometry and the proctosigmoidoscopy, which measure the stability of your sphincter muscles and use a small camera to view the rectum and colon, respectively. 

At-home treatment options

After Dr. Belizon has determined the cause of your fecal incontinence, we can begin a treatment plan. If the muscles of your anus and sphincter are not damaged in any way, you may benefit from a change in diet, taking certain supplements, or doing simple exercises.

Surgical treatment options

However, if you do require surgery, we will discuss your options with you. Dr. Belizon specializes in minimally invasive, robotic surgical practices to repair damaged tissue. Because of the techniques we utilize, recovery isn’t long, and you’ll be able to get back to your life that much quicker. 

Get help for fecal incontinence 

You don’t deserve to suffer from bowel control issues. You can begin a better life today with the help of our Boca Raton, Florida office. Just call 561-395-2626, or make an online appointment at your earliest convenience. We’re here to help!

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