My Fecal Incontinence Is Embarrassing: Can You Help?

My Fecal Incontinence Is Embarrassing: Can You Help?

Fecal incontinence is embarrassing and causes many people to avoid going to the doctor because they don’t want to discuss the problem. But actually, it’s fairly common, affecting a median of 7% of the population. The prevalence of this issue rises with age and tends to affect more women than men. 

But what can be done about fecal incontinence? Is it worth it to visit your provider, or are you better off keeping it to yourself?

We at Boca Care Surgical Associates always want our patients to be able to live happier, more fulfilling lives, which is why we recommend seeking help for fecal incontinence. What’s more, Avraham Belizon, MD, FACS, FASCRS as well as the rest of our staff know this condition can be a sign of a more serious medical problem. That’s why we’re always here to help. 

Fecal incontinence: what it is and what causes it

Fecal incontinence is the condition where you have trouble making it to the bathroom in time for a bowel movement. You may notice a lot of urgency or frequent bowel movements that make this difficult, or the condition could see you unable to wait as you try to get to a toilet. All of these are forms of fecal incontinence. 

The causes of fecal incontinence are similarly widespread. You may have this problem because of chronic constipation, nerve damage or damage to the anal sphincter, untreated diabetes, or even stress. Being able to recognize the cause is always part of the treatment program, but the first step is talking to your provider. 

How we can help with fecal incontinence 

Discussing this condition with anyone — even a doctor — can feel embarrassing and scary. But your life will be so much better once you’ve gotten help. In addition, a mild issue can usually be treated quickly while a more severe problem will probably only worsen without the proper care. So, in either case, getting treatment is far better for you in the long run. 

Most of the time, treatment starts with changes to your diet and an exercise regimen that helps you regain control over your bowels. These treatments are usually beneficial no matter the underlying cause of your condition, so they often go hand-in-hand with other procedures. Your provider will also apply certain tests to determine what the underlying cause may be. 

In some cases, damage to the sphincter muscles can be severe enough to require surgery. Dr. Belizon offers minimally invasive, robotic surgical techniques that will repair or remove damaged tissue and allow you to heal more quickly than traditional surgery. 

Supplements and medicines might also become part of your treatment regimen in addition to a new diet that will continue after your surgery. It’s often recommended for those who’ve struggled with fecal incontinence to begin a high-fiber diet and cut out foods that create bowel movement urgency, like dairy-heavy and fried items. 

You don’t have to live with fecal incontinence 

It may be intimidating to break the silence about this condition, but you’ll be glad you did. Struggling with fecal incontinence is much worse than seeking treatment for it, and we know you’ll start to feel more like yourself as you gain back your control. 

Visit us at our Boca Raton, Florida, office, and we’ll create a treatment regimen based on your unique situation. Just call, or book online with us today.

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