Do Hernias Always Need to Be Repaired?

Hernias can be uncomfortable, painful conditions that, for some, require treatment as soon as possible in order to create relief. In other cases, you may be able to wait to repair a hernia. But do hernias always need to be repaired?
At Boca Care Surgical Associates, Avraham Belizon, MD, FACS, FASCRS has ample experience repairing hiatal hernias with minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques. In most cases, Dr. Belizon recommends taking care of a hernia to avoid worsening symptoms later on.
What happens with a hernia
A hiatal hernia is actually an incredibly common occurrence where a piece of the stomach pushes through the surrounding tissues. Unlike an inguinal hernia, which occurs in the groin area, a hiatal hernia occurs in the upper stomach.
Sometimes, a person may experience no symptoms as the result of a hiatal hernia. For others, mild or even severe symptoms might develop. Symptoms often worsen with a hernia that’s left untreated for a long period of time.
Why you might need surgery for a hernia
Although you may be nervous about surgery, it’s important to understand this is the only treatment that can repair a hernia. Hernias that aren’t treated will usually worsen with time and will need to be monitored carefully in your yearly physical.
You might also need surgery for a hernia if it’s causing you pain or other symptoms. Hernias can be very painful in some cases, or pain can begin to develop over time. Some patients develop other issues caused by their hernia, such as GERD and other stomach problems.
Finally, getting surgery can often be a preventative step. There are certain complications — like strangulation — that can make a hernia dangerous or even deadly. Getting surgery before this occurs is a good way to avoid any possible problems down the road.
Decide if hiatal hernia surgery is right for you
In some cases, a hernia might not need to be repaired right away, especially if you have no symptoms. In fact, some patients choose to wait months or even years to have a hernia repaired while others may choose to go without the surgery because they don’t experience symptoms.
But the problem won’t go away on its own, and there’s always the possibility it can worsen with time. While surgery is your only option for repairing a hernia, the procedure itself is mildly invasive, thanks to a number of innovations in the field over the last few decades.
In many cases, Dr. Belizon recommends taking care of a hernia before it gets worse. And if you’re already experiencing pain and discomfort — or any other symptoms associated with a hernia — don’t put off treatment.
Seek help for a hernia today
You don’t need to wait until the problem becomes unbearable to get help. Hernia surgery, though not always immediately required, is a highly recommended procedure. Our Boca Raton, Florida, office can be reached at 561-395-2626. You can also book an appointment online.
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